Only retouched images may be used by the client and may not be manipulated or retouched by a third party. Original/unedited raw files are not provided.

As set out by the Copyright and Design Act 1988, the photographer retains the copyright to all the images and has the rights to use and reproduce the images within their marketing including online websites. However permission will be obtained before using images featuring children and for use of client’s images on social media. Lesley Cook Photography grants the client an unlimited license to utilise the edited images for their own marketing use, such as online and professional profiles.

If the Client wishes to supply the images to a third party for commercial or editorial purposes, the Photographer must be notified and written consent given. All images must be credited as Lesley Cook Photography, and where appropriate, a license fee arranged. 


Once delivered via dropbox, It is the responsibility of the client to fully download and save the final images to their hard drives/own online storage for safekeeping. All final retouched images and gallery files will be stored by the photographer for 1 year. It is possible to order additional files in this time.

In the unlikely event of images being lost through equipment malfunction or damaged without fault on the part of the Photographer, their liability shall be limited to a full refund of payments received from the Client. The Photographer has Public Liability Insurance.